Kelly Clarkson has been open about her struggles with body image since her days as a contestant on the reality TV show American Idol. But it wasn’t always easy for the singer to accept her curves. She admits she used to feel self-conscious about her figure, especially during high school and college.
In a 2015 interview with Ellen DeGeneres, Kelly revealed that she had never tried to lose weight before becoming famous. When asked why she didn’t try to slim down earlier, she responded, “I don’t know… I just thought I looked fine.”
But that changed once she hit the stage. “I was the heaviest person ever in the American Idol cast. People called me fat,” she recalled. “And I was like, ‘Oh my God, are you kidding me?’”
The singer added that she felt pressure to change her appearance because of how much she earned. “People were like, ‘You make too much money. It would help if you weren’t eating like this,'” she shared. “So I was like, “Okay, whatever.'”
Despite feeling uncomfortable about her weight, Kelly admitted that she still enjoyed the food. “When I ate pizza, I loved it,” she confessed. “I love pasta. I love bread. And I eat everything.”
She explained that she found comfort in bingeing on junk foods while watching movies. “If I watched something good, I’d go home and eat a whole box of cookies,” she said. “Or I’ll watch a movie, and I’m like, ‘I want to eat popcorn.’ So I’ll eat a whole bag of popcorn.”
Since gaining fame, however, Kelly claims she no longer eats anything unhealthy. “Now, I won’t even touch a cookie,” she exclaimed. “My favourite thing to do is bake. I love baking. I love cooking. I love making things healthy.”
Kelly Clarkson Reveals Weight Loss is a ‘side effect’ of controlling Thyroid Issues.

Clarkson revealed she had been battling hypothyroidism since her early 20s. She wrote about it on Instagram, saying, “I’ve struggled with my health for most of my life.” In addition to losing weight, Clarkson said she feels better overall, less tired and happier.
She added that she learned to control the disease and keep herself healthy. “This isn’t something I’m trying to hide anymore,” she told People magazine. “I want people to know what I’m dealing with because there are others like me.”
In her appearances on ‘The Voice, Citi Summer Concert and The Billboard Music Awards, a fan noticed a tremendous change in her appearance. She lost weight incredibly.
Plant Paradox – How It Worked For Kelly

In an exclusive interview with TODAY’s Matt Lauer, the singer talked about her weight loss, revealing that she had dropped 37 pounds since January. She attributed her weight loss and management of her thyroid condition to the best-selling book, The Plant Paradox. In the book, author Brenda Davis talks about lectin-rich foods such as beans, lentils, peas, broccoli, brussels sprouts, peanuts, soy products, wheat, dairy, eggs, corn, tomatoes, mushrooms, and avocados can cause health problems.
She was happy that she is now no more on medication for her autoimmune disease and hypothyroid condition.
After months of being super secretive, Kelly Clarkson has finally let loose on social media. She posted a photo of herself wearing a black dress and captioned it, “37 pounds down.”
She had been posting photos of herself looking thinner over the summer, but she didn’t say anything about what she ate or how much she weighed. But now, it seems she’s ready to talk about it.
Kelly Clarkson’s revelation to Matt that she read The Plant Paradox in November 2017 and followed its advice inspired her fan who are desperately looking for effective ways of weight loss. “I’ve never really talked about it because I don’t want people to think I’m crazy or something,” she said. “But I am very open about what I eat and how much I exercise. And you know, I try to do everything healthy. So, yeah, I think it helped me lose weight.”
She added, “I feel great!”
What is Plant Paradox, and How Does it Work?
The Plant Paradox author Dr Michael Greger believes lectins are toxic chemicals produced naturally by plants. He says they’re found in many plant parts, including seeds, leaves, stems, roots, flowers, and even pollen. They’re also present in grains such as wheat, oats, rye, barley, corn, rice, millet, quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat, sorghum, teff, and soybeans.
Steven R. Gundry, a cardiac surgeon, says there is no evidence eating lectin-rich food causes inflammation or disease. Still, he does believe it’s important to avoid foods high in lectins because they can interfere with digestion and lead to other health problems.
He cites studies showing that people who eat diets rich in legumes like lentils and beans tend to weigh less and live longer than those with fewer legumes. And while it’s true that most people don’t typically eat large amounts of legumes every day, the fact that they’re part of a healthy diet makes them worth considering.
Does Cutting Out Lectin Helps with Weight Loss?
So, can cutting out lectins help you lose weight?
There are a lot of things we don’t know about lectins. For example, do they play a role in cancer? Are they linked to heart disease? And how much difference does lectin consumption make in our overall health?
There is evidence that lectins could benefit certain people—for example, those with celiac disease. But there is also strong evidence that lectins are harmful to others.
For instance, the American Cancer Society notes that “a high intake of legumes and lentils increases risk for prostate cancer.” So, while lectins might not cause cancer directly, they may increase your risk of developing it.
And according to one study published in the journal Nutrients, consuming large amounts of soy products also induces weight loss. Around four servings of soy in conjunction with low saturated fat consumption results in reduced levels of bad cholesterol.
What’s more, studies suggest that lectins could improve bone health. The protein called c-type lectins helps promote bone growth. There is strong evidence that the healthiest people focus on a plant-based diet.
Coming to weight loss, one of the significant aspects of weight loss is creating a calorie deficit. Eating fewer calories daily than you burn is proven to lose weight in the long run. People who lose weight quickly are more susceptible to weight gain.
Kelly’s Thyroid Condition
Kelly Clarkson hasn’t been shy about sharing her struggles with weight loss since announcing her divorce from husband Brandon Blackstock in January 2018. She’s even opened up about being diagnosed with hypothyroidism—a condition where the body doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormone, causing it to become sluggish.
Clarkson didn’t provide much detail on how she’s doing since undergoing the operation, nor did she reveal what medications she’s taken to treat the condition. But according to the Mayo Clinic, hypothyroidism is typically treated with synthetic hormones to adjust thyroid levels.
And while some doctors may prescribe alternative medicines—specifically prescription-only natural extracts—instead of synthetic hormones, per the clinic, it’s not recommended that diet alone can manage the condition. Instead, the bottom line is that if Kelly’s weight loss has led you to reevaluate your diet, it might be worth focusing on more plant-based foods.
Kelly Clarkson Early Years – More About Her Childhood
Kelly Clarkson was born in Fort Worth on July 13th, 1984. She grew up in Burleson, Texas, where she spent most of her childhood. Her parents got separated when she was 6 years old. She stayed with her mother; her brother went up to live with her father, and her sister lived with Aunt.
She sang in church choirs and participated in local talent competitions as a child. Her school choir instructor recognized that she had a natural singing voice. At age 17, she moved to Los Angles to pursue a career in music. However, it wasn’t long before she realized she couldn’t make it there alone.